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Hello, Unstructured World!

To try out Embedding Studio, you can launch the pre-configured demonstration project. We've prepared a dataset stored in a public S3 bucket, an emulator for user clicks, and a basic script for fine-tuning the model. By adapting it to your requirements, you can initiate fine-tuning for your model.


Ensure that you have the docker compose version command working on your system:

Docker Compose version v2.23.3


You can also try the docker-compose command. Moving forward, we will use the newer docker compose command, but the docker-compose command may also work successfully on your system.

Start services

Firstly, bring up all the Embedding Studio services by executing the following command:

docker compose up -d


Embedding Studio is run upon docker-compose v2.17.0 and never, installation manual you can find here.

Upon building and starting, the following services will be launched:

  1. embedding_studio: The primary service accessible at http://localhost:5000, responsible for the core engine functionality.
  2. fine_tuning_worker: A worker service for model fine-tuning based on user feedback, leveraging NVIDIA GPUs for the task.
  3. mlflow: A service facilitating the tracking of fine-tuning experiments.
  4. mlflow_db: A MySQL instance for storing MLflow-related data.
  5. mongo: A MongoDB service for storing user interactions and tasks for model fine-tuning.
  6. redis: A Redis service for task storage during fine-tuning.
  7. minio: A MinIO service set up for artifact storage, ensuring a secure location for your data.

Сlickstream emulation

Once all services are up, you can start using Embedding Studio. Let's simulate a user search session. We'll run a pre-built script that will invoke the Embedding Studio API and emulate user behavior:

docker compose --profile demo_stage_clickstream up -d


After the script execution, you can initiate model fine-tuning. Execute the following command:

docker compose --profile demo_stage_finetuning up -d

This will queue a task processed by the fine-tuning worker. To fetch all tasks in the fine-tuning queue, send a GET request to the endpoint /api/v1/fine-tuning/task:

curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api/v1/fine-tuning/task

The answer will be something like:

    "fine_tuning_method": "Default Fine Tuning Method",
    "status": "processing",
    "created_at": "2023-12-21T14:30:25.823000",
    "updated_at": "2023-12-21T14:32:16.673000",
    "batch_id": "65844a671089823652b83d43",
    "id": "65844c019fa7cf0957d04758"


  • fine_tuning_method - method used for fine-tuning the model. We'll discuss this further later on.
  • status - status of the task. Possible values: pending, processing, done, canceled, error
  • created_at - task creation date.
  • updated_at - last task update date.
  • batch_id - batch identifier indicating gathered clickstream sessions.
  • id - task identifier.

Once you have the task ID, you can directly monitor the fine-tuning progress by sending a GET request to the endpoint /api/v1/fine-tuning/task/{task_id}:

curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api/v1/fine-tuning/task/65844c019fa7cf0957d04758

The result will be similar to what you received when querying all tasks.

Progress tracking with MLflow

For a more convenient way to track progress, you can use MLflow at http://localhost:5001. Here, you'll find the following experiments:

  • Default: A default experiment generated by MLflow, which we don't use.
  • iteration / initial: This experiment stores the model used for training, loaded into MLflow using the upload_initial_model method (see Plugins).
  • iteration / Default Fine Tuning Method / 65844a671089823652b83d43: This experiment is the result of the fine-tuning process. Learn more about MLflow in their documentation. Also, you can find more information about the fine-tuning process in the section Fine-tuning tracking


Fine-tuning is a very long process, so it can take about 30 minutes (if using a GPU).

It's also beneficial to check the logs of the fine_tuning_worker to ensure everything is functioning correctly. To do this, list all services using the command:

docker ps

You'll see output similar to:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                 COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS                 PORTS                               NAMES
665eef2e757d   embedding_studio-mlflow               "mlflow server --bac…"   3 hours ago   Up 3 hours   >5001/tcp              embedding_studio-mlflow-1
65043da928d4   embedding_studio-fine_tuning_worker   "dramatiq embedding_…"   3 hours ago   Up 3 hours                                                 embedding_studio-fine_tuning_worker-1
c930d9ca07c0   embedding_studio-embedding_studio     "uvicorn embedding_s…"   3 hours ago   Up 3 hours (healthy)>5000/tcp              embedding_studio-embedding_studio-1
5e799aaaf17b   redis:6.2-alpine                      "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 hours ago   Up 3 hours (healthy)>6379/tcp              embedding_studio-redis-1
ba608b022828   bitnami/minio:2023                    "/opt/bitnami/script…"   3 hours ago   Up 3 hours (healthy)>9000-9001/tcp    embedding_studio-minio-1
914cb70ed622   mysql/mysql-server:5.7.28             "/ mysq…"   3 hours ago   Up 3 hours (healthy)>3306/tcp, 33060/tcp   embedding_studio-mlflow_db-1
493c45f880c0   mongo:4                               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   3 hours ago   Up 3 hours (healthy)>27017/tcp            embedding_studio-mongo-1

From here, you can access logs for the specific service using its CONTAINER ID or NAME, e.g., 65043da928d4 or embedding_studio-fine_tuning_worker-1:

docker logs embedding_studio-fine_tuning_worker-1

If everything completes successfully, you'll see logs similar to:

Epoch 2: 100%|██████████| 13/13 [01:17<00:00,  0.17it/s, v_num=8]
[2023-12-21 14:59:05,931] [PID 7] [Thread-6] [pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero] [INFO] `` stopped: `max_epochs=3` reached.
Epoch 2: 100%|██████████| 13/13 [01:17<00:00,  0.17it/s, v_num=8]
[2023-12-21 14:59:05,975] [PID 7] [Thread-6] [embedding_studio.workers.fine_tuning.finetune_embedding_one_param] [INFO] Save model (best only, current quality: 8.426392069685529e-05)
[2023-12-21 14:59:05,975] [PID 7] [Thread-6] [embedding_studio.workers.fine_tuning.experiments.experiments_tracker] [INFO] Save model for 2 / 9a9509bf1ed7407fb61f8d623035278e
[2023-12-21 14:59:06,009] [PID 7] [Thread-6] [embedding_studio.workers.fine_tuning.experiments.experiments_tracker] [WARNING] No finished experiments found with model uploaded, except initial
[2023-12-21 14:59:16,432] [PID 7] [Thread-6] [embedding_studio.workers.fine_tuning.experiments.experiments_tracker] [INFO] Upload is finished
[2023-12-21 14:59:16,433] [PID 7] [Thread-6] [embedding_studio.workers.fine_tuning.finetune_embedding_one_param] [INFO] Saving is finished
[2023-12-21 14:59:16,433] [PID 7] [Thread-6] [embedding_studio.workers.fine_tuning.experiments.experiments_tracker] [INFO] Finish current run 2 / 9a9509bf1ed7407fb61f8d623035278e
[2023-12-21 14:59:16,445] [PID 7] [Thread-6] [embedding_studio.workers.fine_tuning.experiments.experiments_tracker] [INFO] Current run is finished
[2023-12-21 14:59:16,656] [PID 7] [Thread-6] [embedding_studio.workers.fine_tuning.experiments.experiments_tracker] [INFO] Finish current iteration 2
[2023-12-21 14:59:16,673] [PID 7] [Thread-6] [embedding_studio.workers.fine_tuning.experiments.experiments_tracker] [INFO] Current iteration is finished
[2023-12-21 14:59:16,673] [PID 7] [Thread-6] [embedding_studio.workers.fine_tuning.worker] [INFO] Fine tuning of the embedding model was completed successfully!

Congratulations! You've successfully improved the model!