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Background 🌐

online store illustration

Imagine an online store with everything you can think of. They have lots of data and tech but finding the right product for each customer is still a big challenge.

Challenges and Problems 🤔

  1. Too Many Products: With so many items, customers often find it hard to find what they need.
  2. Different Customer Needs: Everyone is looking for something different, and the current search tool isn't great at handling this variety.
  3. Keeping Up with Trends: What's popular changes all the time, and the store needs to keep up.

Detailed Examples 🧳

  1. Query: "Affordable eco-friendly clothes"
  2. Problem: Combining being budget-friendly with eco-conscious choices isn't easy.
  3. Query: "Waterproof cameras for diving"
  4. Problem: Customers need a specific type of camera, but there are too many to choose from.
  5. Query: "Fun board games for kids over 8"
  6. Problem: Finding games that are fun and right for a certain age group can be hard.

Solution 💡

  • Using Embedding Studio: It's like turning the store into a super smart helper that knows exactly where everything is.
  • Better at Understanding What You Want: It's like having a detective that really gets what each customer is looking for.
  • Always Getting Smarter: The more people search, the better it gets at helping them find what they want.
  • Ready from the Start: By learning about all the products beforehand, it's really good at finding the right stuff from day one.
  • Mixing All Kinds of Searches: Whether customers type a lot or just a little, it figures out what they mean.

Outcome 🚀

  • Way Better Search: Now, customers find exactly what they're looking for super fast.
  • Happier Customers: People love how easy it is to find things, so they keep coming back.
  • More Sales: With a search this good, the store sells more and becomes everyone's go-to place to shop.